The CAM350 Window consists of a:
- Menu Bar
- Tool Bar
- Layer Bar
- Working Area
- Status Bar
- and “Panorama” window pane.
The Toolbar, Layer Bar, Status Bar and Panorama Windows are enabled from the View Pull down menu.
Other viewing functions include: Window, (Zoom) All, Redraw, (Zoom) In and Out, and Pan
functions may also be accessed from the View menu. (Pan isn’t a pan in the true sense – it re-centers the view at the current cursor location).
Note that to the right of each of these keys is a “hotkey” that may alternately be used to perform the function.
The other pull-down menu options will be discussed in order of relevance as we progress through this tutorial.
The appearance of the Toolbar will vary according to the function being performed but there are always three pull down selections available.
From left to right they are:
1. The Grid setting.
This pull down options lets the user select the Grid-Snap spacing.
2. The second pull down is the Active D-Code selector.
It has no practical application in this context.
3. The Active Layer pull down selection sets the “Active Layer”.
The active layer is noted by a red box in the cell (No. 1) and indicates the layer that will
not be turned off by an All Off command. A blue box (No.16) indicates the layer that
appears “on top” of the display.
Note that the pull down selector has the full name of the photo plot or NC
Drill file associated with a particular layer number.
The Status Bar has 3 parts:
1. The left section (0,0:0,0) is readout of the cursor X-Y position in project units.
2. The center area (Select Command) shows the status of any command that may be active.
3. The right area consists of 5 “buttons”…>
which toggle their functions as follows:
“Z” causes the cursor to snap to an object. In this mode the cursor will snap to the center of a “Flash” or the end of a “Draw”.
“S” enables the cursor to snap to the grid (as set by the Snap pull down selector from the Toolbar pull down).
“V” toggles the grid display on and off.
The “T” and “H” have no relevance to this tutorial.
The status of these buttons can be changed either by pressing the corresponding keyboard key or by placing the cursor over the button and “clicking” the Left Mouse Button (LMB).
The Panorama Bar shows a “Thumbnail” picture of the viewing area referenced to the design extents in a “Window Pane” that may be moved around in the work area.
The Panorama Bar shows a “Thumbnail” picture of the viewing area referenced to the design extents in a “Window Pane” that may be moved around in the work area.